Submit Story
Please keep in mind the following things while submitting –
a) Content should be yours. Not rephrased, copied, or similar to any idea which is previously there. All submitted entries are verified, so don’t embarrass yourself by sending copied content.
b) MicroTale word limit is 23 words. If you are submitting a Snippet then make sure it is within 40 words. Musings should be within 32 words, and stories have no word limit. Write all you want.
c) It takes time for us to approve and finally put up the tale on our social media handles. Please don’t ask us how many days it will take for your tale to be live. Submit your tale and wait for a week, if you see it on the page then it was selected. Yay!
d) Please specify what you are submitting in ‘Title’, that way you are making things a bit easier for us.